
Request an appointment at Crooked Oak Dental Associates today!


Request an appointment at Crooked Oak Dental Associates today!

In our offices at Crooked Oak Dental Associates, we realize the necessity for the biocompatibility of our materials for our patients, especially in this advanced age of dentistry. If our patients are interested in and feel it necessary, we always encourage them to have allergy testing done to rule out potentially harmful materials for specific patients. All patients are unique and should be treated as such.

At Crooked Oak, we choose independently reviewed and rated dental materials based on a track record of biocompatibility and strength. For instance, we have avoided the use of mercury, nickel, and beryllium-based dental materials for many years. Our patients can also request information on how to obtain a custom biocompatibility report which would make individual and specific dental materials recommendations for their comprehensive dental care.

A Holistic Approach to Integrate Dentistry with Wellness

The biocompatibility of our materials and wellness-focused dentistry delivers multiple benefits for our patients. Our focus is to:

  • Eliminate the use of any toxic dental materials
  • Use metal-free fillings, crowns, and implants upon request
  • Employ laser dentistry to reduce infections
  • Provide a pain-free, stress-free, environment to patients
  • Preserve tooth structure wherever possible

Health begins with what you put into your mouth! Good dental hygiene practices, regular tooth cleanings, and our holistic approach can give you a more pleasant experience at the dental office and a healthier outlook.

Abbe S.

Dental Patient

“I have never written a Google Review but need to share my experience with Angstadt Family Dental. I moved out of the area over 2 years ago.  I recently experienced extreme discomfort/pain and texted Dr. Angstadt on a Saturday afternoon. He texted me back within 30 minutes, called in a prescription to my local pharmacy and saw me at 7 pm for a 2-hour procedure on Sunday night (I had to leave on a business trip Monday morning). 

Dr. Angstadt is always willing to be flexible to accommodate my work schedule but even more important is his professionalism, his perfectionism, his passion for what he does, his standard of excellence and his dedication to improving the lives of his patients. It is a 2-3 hour drive from where I live to Angstadt Family Dental. I will continue to make the trip.”

Biocompatibility Testing for Known Allergies

We commonly recommend testing for patients with more than a handful of known allergies or who have worries that they could be allergic to a specific dental material. Dental toxicity can occur in patients when foreign material is placed in the mouth as part of a restorative procedure and the patient’s immune system subsequently rejects it. Proper testing can help us prevent the placement of a potentially harmful toxin into your mouth. More details can be found on the website of our biocompatibility partner, Biocomp Labs.

We know that despite the increased sensitivity to biocompatibility concerns there are a lot of details to track. That’s why we have a dedicated associate on staff who can answer any questions you may have regarding the materials we use or the testing available to you. Please contact our office and we would be glad to help you!

Start Each Day with a Rewarding Smile!

Request an appointment at Crooked Oak Dental Associates today!

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